Safe Shopping During Coronavirus Outbreak


How to Pay

Stores are urging customers to tap their debit and credit cards whenever possible when paying to avoid that “one more touch”. Many grocery stores will have customers wait at the end of the conveyor belt until they have finished ringing in all items. Only then are customers allowed to walk to the debit machine to pay.


Do You Need to Sanitize the Products When You Get Home?

There are conflicting reports about how long the virus can last on inanimate objects, such as that cereal box or can of food. Some sources say that the virus can last from 24 hours to 3 days on surfaces, while others say it is not something consumers should be worried about. It is important to note that these items are not ideal conditions for the virus to thrive.


The general consensus by infectious disease specialists is that you should practice regular hygiene measures, such as washing your hands when you get home, and again once you are finished putting the groceries away. Of course, you should also wash your hands before you prepare food, and avoid touching your face. 


Working Together as a Community

All the measures that are being enforced by authorities are for the best interest of our communities, and we are all in this together. Remember to be kind to others as you are shopping. Social distancing doesn’t mean that you can’t smile or say hello to other shoppers. It just means that you can’t hug them or get too close.


If everyone practices these few measures to stay safe, all shoppers will get what they need and stay healthy.